Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Psychopathology, Research Methodology, Statistics, Experimental Practicals, History of Psychology, Eastern and Western Psychology, Child Psychology, Psychology of Adjustment and Effective Behaviour
12 years
B.A. (Psychology), St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad
M.A. (Clinical Psychology), School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Gujarat University
M.A. (English), Baba Ambedkar University, Ahmedabad
M.Phil (Psychology), School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Gujarat University
Ph.D. (notification pending), School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Gujarat University
UGC-certified Career Oriented Programme on Counseling from St. Xavier’s College, 2008 batch
Insomnia, ADHD, Anxiety, Psychological Well-being, Emotional Intelligence, Social Maturity, Frustration, Resilience and Coping, Social Media, Internet and Gaming
2012-13 Visiting Faculty, St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad
2012: Visiting Faculty, PDPU, Gandhinagar
2013-14, 2014-15: Visiting Faculty, J.G. College of Physiotherapy, Ahmedabad
2014-15, 2015-16: Khyati Institute of Physiotherapy, Cantonment, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad
2015-16: Khyati College of Physiotherapy, Shilaj-Palodia Road, Palodia, Ahmedabad
2015-16: N. R. Institute of Physiotherapy, Naroda Road, Ahmedabad
2016-17, 2017: L. D. Arts College, Ahmedabad
Indian Journal of Health and Well-being: December, 2015
International Journal of Social Sciences Review-May 2019
Phonix Journal: January, 2021
I have also an article to a book called “Baalkonu Jagat” in 2020 (ISBN-978-93-89910-24-7)
1. | ICT enabled Innovative Teaching workshop, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Ahmedabad | Feb 1, 2019 |
2. | Two-Day National Workshop on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis in Social Sciences’, St. Andrew’s College, Bandra (W), Mumbai | 27th, 28th February, 2020 |
3. | Outcome based Curriculum Designing, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Ahmedabad | 22nd and 23rd March, 2019 |
4. | Staff Research Seminar
Presented a paper: “Online multiplayer gaming and level of loneliness in college students” |
11th April, 2019 |
5. | National Webinar on National Education Policy, 2020 Forward Looking Policy | 30th August, 2020 |
6. | Online National Seminar on Psychological Well-being during Covid-19: Crisis and Remedies, organized by Children’s University, Gandhinagar | 26th, 27th September, 2020 |
7. | National Webinar on ‘Role of Psychologists in Forensic Mental Health Service’, organized by Gujarat University and Indian Academy of Health Psychology | 10th October, 2020 |
8. | Trauma Consultant for a Hindi Movie “376 D” | Film Released in October, 2020 |
9. | Live webinar Resource Person for “Psytalks with Teachers” organized by ICHARS, Mumbai | Nov, 2020 |
10. | Discourse Webinar on Pedagogical and Training Methods for Transacting Curriculum on Democracy and Ethics, Democracy and Economy, and Democracy and Media, organized by Christ University, | 7th, 8th December, 2020 |
11. | ‘Online FDP on Mental Health and Higher Education’ jointly organized by the B. M. Institute of Mental
Health and KCG |
1st February, 2021 to 15th February 2021. |