Personal Growth Oriented Programme (PGOP)

Personal Growth Oriented Programme, PGOP, is conducted each year for students. The designed programme is process oriented and its impact on life, rather than product. At Xavier’s we believe in ‘wholeness’ and ‘wellnesses. Many programmes are offered to realize this dream. However, the desired result is achieved only when students acquire the capacity to integrate and apply the learning in life.

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Collegiate Women's Development Cell (CWDC)

St. Xavier’s College has a Collegiate Women’s Development Cell (CWDC). CWDC’s aims are to conduct multilateral research in the area of women studies to promote exchange of information in various branches of knowledge, to open up new fields in the area of women’s studies, and raise community consciousness on the importance of gender issues.

Divyangjan (UTCARSH)

Utcarsh is a special cell for the physically and visually challenged students of the College.  St. Xavier’s has the tradition of caring and giving opportunities for the differently able students.

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Equity cell

Equity cell endeavours to bring under one umbrella students from different socioeconomic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds for training programmes and workshops on topics such as study-skills, leadership, goal setting, career guidance at least twice a year. These programmes empower students to discover their potential, explore the purpose of life, and experience the benefits of team building.


Emotions are part of being human. Having the right perspectives on emotions and the ability to handle those, calls for emotional maturity. It can be achieved to a great extent through systematic and regular counselling. St Xavier’s College has trained counsellors who offer help to students and staff to make you think in a different way and help you to reconcile and cope up with issues.