Focus on developing skills through experiential learning
The department of Computer Sciences has developed a curriculum that not only introduces the concepts and understanding of databases, data structure, programming languages and networking but also focuses on developing technical skills through experiential learning modules like Project works and product development. This quality in education has ensured that many of the students have also become entrepreneurs in the IT sector. The department with its competent faculty, good infrastructure and library have ensured that the BCA programme finds a place in the top institutions of the country.
Short term goal of the department is to attain academic excellence. However, long term goal is to make the students think critically on economic issues confronting them in their daily lives, so that they can actively engage themselves in policy issues.
BCA is one of the most opted courses to be offered for a career in Information Technology. The course work is at par with the best in the state and country, providing a sound academic base for an advanced career in computer applications. Key areas of ‘computer studies and industrial computing along with the required analysis and synthesis involved in the information systems is ingrained in the curriculum. After the successful completion of the program, a student should be able to get an entry level job in the field of Information Technology or ITES. BCA graduates can also start their career as programmers and rise to that of senior programmers. Software Development & Design in companies like Microsoft, Oracle, Wipro, Infosys etc. ‘and System Administrator in big corporate companies like Citibank, HLL, P & G etc are some of the opportunities open for students.
BSc. Computer Science is a 3 year undergraduate program which deals with wide grounding over a range of mathematics, statistics and computer programming. A course area gives expertise in Mathematical Sciences and Numerical methods for problem-solving, statistical modelling and scientific computing. The program gives knowledge about computer fundamentals, programming languages, networking, web designing, website development, software testing etc. It also provides a platform to enhance the knowledge by involving students into project work. It also involves students with projects.
‘Data is the future.’ Data is the most important element in any venture. Data gives us glimpses of the past, reality of the present and strengthens us to predict the future. The Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) initiative has made remarkable strides in shaping the talent capability aligned to data analysis, business requirements and to accrue seamless mutual benefits for the world of academics and industry. The objective of this course is to contribute to overall development of the student community in order to enhance quality and consistency of talent supply by channelizing practical industry knowledge to the classroom. The course work comprises Statistical Methods, Probability & Stochastic Process, Linear Algebra & Linear Programming, Computing for Data Sciences, and Database Management etc.