Click here to download Subject Change Form 2024-25

St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Ahmedabad, in conjunction with VFS Docswallet, provides Online Service for genuineness verification, Digital WES and Transcript Request. St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) has gone one step ahead towards e-governance and sharing the fine vision of Digital India.

System is powered to give students the chance of requesting genuineness verification, Digital WES and Transcript anywhere in the globe.

Institution implemented digital transformation platform for our alumni/current students to receive the service quick and effective manner. This new process will be more convenient, user-friendly for everyone involved and the online genuineness verification, Digital WES and Transcript is a seamless and paperless system for sharing the documents.


  • Secure transactions with convenient 24/7 access
  • Documents delivered worldwide in digital mode
  • Automatic order updates via mobile text alerts and email
  • Online order tracking – with the time, date, and name of the person who received your record.


  • Apply for genuineness verification
  • Apply for Digital WES
  • Apply for Transcript

Former and current students are encouraged to go online and place the online application requests by using the following links.

Click here

We request to contact our Online Certificate Verification Technical Query Team for more details at Email –

NB: Here onwards institutions will not accept any verification request through courier, e-mail, phone calls or fax.

Examination Marks Internal Marks
Mid-Semester (CIA-1) 50 marks 10 Marks
Semester End (CIA-2) 50 marks 10 Marks
Assignments Seminars, class tests etc. 5 Marks
Attendance 5 Marks*
Total 30 Marks
Note: A student requires 11 marks to pass in each paper in the internals. *Attendance marks will be awarded according to the calculation given in the next table. Break-up of marks for attendance:
96-100 % attendance 5 Marks
91-95 % attendance 4 Marks
86- 90 % attendance 3 Marks
81-85 % attendance 2 Marks
75-80% attendance 1 Mark
Below 75% attendance 0 Marks
2.1. Soft Skill, Foundation Courses, and Elective Courses are compulsory programmes offered in every semester. CIA -1 of these courses are conducted out of 50 marks and 50% of this is taken for internals, while 5 marks is assigned for regularity, assignments, class tests etc. The final examination is conducted out of 70 marks during CIA-2. Subject electives follow the pattern of core papers.
2.2. A student whose attendance is less than 75% will be retained. S/he will have to take the internal (CIA-2) as well as semester end examination in the next appropriate semester.
3. Eligibility for semester end examination
Evaluation of semester end examinations of Semester I to VI at UG and semesters I to IV at PG level will be carried out in the following manner:
4. Regarding Repeaters and Grievances The following procedure will be followed with regard to repeaters and re-evaluation:
5. Arrear Papers
6 Notes for Ordinances on Grace Marks
7. Rules for conducting examinations
8. Misconduct during examinations
9. Continuation from 1st year to 2nd year/ 2nd year to 3rd year
9.1. Qualifying for 2nd Year (Semester III)
9.2. Qualifying for 3rd Year (Semester V)
10. Credit and grading system
Range of Marks Grade Point Letter Grade Attribute
85 – 100 8.5 – 10 O+ Outstanding
75 – 84.99 7.5 – 8.49 O Excellent
70 -74.99 7.0 – 7.49 A+ Distinction
60 – 69.99 6.0 – 6.99 A Very Good
55 – 59.99 5.5 – 5.99 B+ Good
50 – 54.99 5.0 – 5.49 B Fair
40 – 49.99 4.0 – 4.99 C+ Average/Satisfactory
36 – 39.99 3.6 – 3.99 C Pass
0 – 35.99 00 U Reappear
Absent 00 AAA Absent
CGPA Grade Classification of Final Result
8.5 and above O+ Outstanding
7.5 and above but below 8.49 O Exemplary
7.0 and above but below 7.49 A+ First Class with Distinction
6.0 and above but below 6.99 A First Class
5.5 and above but below 5.99 B+ Higher Second Class
5.0 and above but below 5.49 B Second Class
3.6 and above but below 4.99 C Pass Class
0.0 and above but below 3.59 U Reappear
11. Standard of passing
12. Allowed to keep terms and eligibility for admission to the next semester
13. Mark sheet, Migration certificate, etc.
14. Final degree certificate