About the Department

M.Sc. Microbiology course is designed to understand the power of microorganisms by gaining in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge. The curriculum and new approach of learning will empower students to understand microbial diversity and their potential to deliver the solutions for Industry, Agriculture and Environment. The students will gain fundamental knowledge of basic principles, concepts, approaches, analytical skills and applications of microbiology and microorganisms in Industry, Agriculture and the Environment. Eminent teachers, scientists and Industry persons will provide polyphasic approach for their study to develop quality research aptitude.


To develop critical thinking in students on Microbiological concepts and their applications for a better world.


To develop among students an understanding of sustainability for all living beings for a better life.


Students will plan and start their research project in Sem-III, and complete in Sem-IV. We will encourage students for independent scientific thinking to increase multi-dimension research potential to tackle local and global challenges with ethics and value-driven learning.

Overview of areas covered during Sem I – IV:

Microbial diversity, Enzyme technology, Microbial genetics, Physiology, Metabolism, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Agriculture, Environment, Food and Industrial Microbiology, Research Methodology, Bio-informatics and Project.