About Department

Collecting, analyzing, inferring data to validate a study by increasing consistency and minimizing uncertainty is at the crux of Statistics as a subject. Research today is not accepted without statistical analysis. The subject has burgeoned into data mining, big data analysis, machine learning and data visualizing. Hence, the statistics department today has forayed into the “Gateway to Data Science”, giving thrust to building the latest skill set in their students. Other than the conventional undergraduate programme in Statistics offered to the Science Stream, the department also offers the subject to Arts Stream. Moreover, due to an increasing demand for Big Data Analytics, the department has collaborated with the department of Computer Sciences, SXCA and Tata Consultancy Services to plan and design a curriculum for post graduate studies.


To become globally accredited and highly respected center for data science to nurture budding statisticians, who are ethically and socially conscientious and committed to excellence.


To attain academic excellence by acquiring the skills of statistics, and expanding the knowledge of students through innovative teaching, learning and extension activities.


Statistics is a science of learning from data. This discipline of science deals with collection, analysis and interpretation of data. A bachelor’s degree in Statistics gives knowledge of Statistics along with a broad grounding in other allied subjects. The main objective of this course is to introduce to the students the basic concepts of probability, random variable, expectation, raw and central moments and least square method. The course will enable distinguishing between random and non-random experiments, to find the probabilities of events, to fit various mathematical curves (linear and non- linear) to observed data, to discuss the idea of statistical quality control, and to discuss hypothesis testing.

Faculty Members

Dr. Nandita Christy

Head, Associate Professor

Dr. Shraddha Bhatt

Associate Professor

Dr. Kirtan Parmar

Assistant Professor

Dr. Aruna Pandya

Assistant Professor

Dr.Nandita Christy

Associate Professor

Dr.Kirtan Parmar

Assistant Professor

Dr.Shraddha Bhatt

Assistant Professor

Dr.Aruna Pandya

Assistant Professor
