The Advanced B. Sc (Physics) Programme was started by the joint efforts of Gujarat Science Academy and Vikram A. Sarabhai Community Science Centre (VASCSC), Ahmedabad in 2003 under the guidance of experts from Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), etc. The programme is an approximately 3 week summer residential programme for motivated B.Sc. students. The course consists of lectures in Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics and Mathematical Physics. The lectures are designed to be interactive and are followed by tutorials in which problems are discussed. The programme is open to students across the state and is generally conducted during the summer break.
The topics covered in the programme are related to those in the regular college curriculum but are dealt with in greater depth and with an emphasis on problem solving. The problems are selected such that they probe the students’ understanding of the subject.
The lectures are taught by faculty from PRL, IPR and ISRO. This allows students to come in contact with scientists who are actively engaged in research at an early stage in their education. In addition, visits are arranged to research institutions such as IPR and PRL so as to introduce the students to research centres in India. The programme also includes a session on career opportunities in Physics.
Successful students are provided a certificate of completion at the end of the programme. Participants are also provided scientific books to enhance their understanding of science.