Assistant Professor
Financial Markets, Financial Services, Banking, Insurance, Financial Management, International Business Procedures, International Finance, Marketing, Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing Research, Entrepreneurship Development, Business Economics, Financial, Managerial and International Accountancy and other Allied Areas of Commerce
9 years
Was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Accountancy) in 2019 from Sheth Damodardas School of Commerce, Gujarat University
Cleared NET with JRF in December 2012
Cleared NET in June 2012
Masters in Commerce from KSV University, Gandhinagar in 2012
Bachelor in Commerce from KSV University, Gandhinagar in 2010
Course on computer concepts in 2010
Personal Finance, Household Finance, Corporate Finance, Sustainability reporting, and other allied areas
1. Have worked as a Subject Expert for Electronic and Multimedia Research Centre, Gujarat University in developing 5 video lectures for Undergraduate level students
i. Information Technology Act (2 video lectures)
ii. Derivatives (1 video lecture)
iii. International Finance – Exchange rate regimes (2 video lectures)
2. Has worked as a Co-author for the course book on Human Resource Management for Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Open Univesity, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
3. Working as a translator for NPTEL Courses from English to Gujarati.
1. Sharma, P. Chakravarthy N.C.R. (2020). Knock Of Advertisement In Digital Social Interaction: Informative Or Intrusion For Social Media Users. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 02 , February 2020
2. Chakravarthy, N. C. R. (2018). An Analysis of the Saving Motives of the Households in North Gujarat. International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management, Volume, (8), 9-14.
3. Chakravarthy, N. C. R. (2017). Influence Of Various Aspects On The Choice Of Investment Instruments By The Households. Clear International Journal Of Research In Commerce & Management, 8(9).
4. Chakravarthy, N. C. R. (2017). A Study on the extent of financial inclusion in the North Gujarat Region. Management and Research Practices in Emerging Markets.
5. Chakravarthy, N. C. R. (2016). A Study on attempts made by selected Indian IT Companies for protection and conservation of environment. M.P. Arts and M.H. Commerce College for Women. ISBN 978-81-928180-1-6. pp. 273-285.
6. Chakravarthy, N. C. R. (2016). ICT and E Governance: A step towards Good Governance. Current Issues & Future Challenges in Business. Gujarat Commerce College, Ahmedabad. ISBN 978-81-929330-2-3 pp. 99-113.