
Startup Boot Camp 1.0

Department of Commerce from St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Ahmedabad has planned a lecture series on Startup – “A National Level Startup Bootcamp 1.0” from 20/02/2023 to 25/02/2023.

This program is intended to give participants an extensive start-up achievement guide. The lecture series will take participants on the journey from the origin of an imaginative plan to the fruitful send-off and development of a flourishing business. The program will be driven by experienced industry experts who will share their insight and mastery, providing insight into the challenges and opening amazing doors locked because of the hurdles.   

Registration Fees: – 

For students of St. Xavier’s College – Rs. 1,000 

For Outsiders: – Rs. 1,000 (If registered till 18th, after 18th the charges will be Rs. 1,500)

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