
Summer School

Prof. P. C. Vaidya Summer School in Advanced Mathematics

This summer school is organized for 10-21 days. It is jointly organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, and Gujarat Science Academy. It was sponsored by GUJCOST, Gujarat Ganit Mandal, Ahmedabad Ganit Mandal, Prof. A. R. Rao Foundation, Madhava Mathematics Competition Fund of Gujarat and Rajasthan Region.


Fr. Valles Lecture Series

Fr. Valles Lecture Series is initiated to honour one of the founding fathers of the Department of Mathematics at SXCA. It attracts and captivate Mathematics lovers in and around Ahmedabad. Eminent scholars enthuse students, parents and faculty with lectures on the nuances of linear algebra, number theory etc.


Madhava Mathematics Competition

Madhava Mathematics competition is an annual mathematical competition organised by the Department of Mathematics. It is to nurture Mathematical instinct of the students and to develop love for the subject. Prior to this a Mathematical nature camp is also organised